Duty Free In-flight Shopping
Shop in-flight and we'll deliver your purchases right to your seat!

Love to save? 

Need to find the perfect gift to take home with you?

Shop our curated Duty Free selection in the air or from home before you fly, for delivery in-flight (coming soon). We carry a variety of brand-name cosmetics, fragrances, jewelry, watches, liquor and gifts. Many of these items are perfect mementos of your trip to Hawaii.

You'll find Duty Free Exclusive products such as the Revlon Lip Cube, a set of 9 individually boxed lipsticks, many cost-saving fragrances and cosmetic duos as well as a beautiful Tennis Bracelet with free matching earrings. Be sure to bring home the taste of Hawaii with delicious Chocolate Covered Pineapple or Macadamia Nuts.

Not ready to place an order?

When onboard, look for the catalog in your seat-back pocket and enjoy onboard shopping right from your seat.

Duty Free prices reflect up to 40 percent off the US recommended local retail price.

Choose one of our many exclusive deals as the perfect beginning or end to your next trip!

For questions about Duty Free call 1-877-55-DFASS (1-877-553-3277) or e-mail customercare@dfassgroup.com